next online Networking is Tuesday 18th February 2025

Black Business Club - networking, business education and collaboration!
Supporting Black business success globally
next online Networking is Tuesday 18th February 2025
Supporting Black business success globally
Our next Networking Meeting includes a presentation
by a Member:
Our 1st online Networking Event was Tuesday 17th January.
The Founder, Asari St Hil launched the Black Business Club in December 2022. He wants to make a contribution to the quality and quantity of Black businesses across the globe.
Starting in the UK, he wants to build a strong network of members - Black business owners who work together. Contributing even more to every society we live in.
Part of the membership offer is business education. We usually meet online for 90 mins twice per month.
Membership is only £12/month or Annually for just £120
The Founder's vision is to see 100,000s of Black businesses networking and doing business with each other all over the world, with Africa at the heart. If Africa becomes the next superpower, we will all stand taller. Just look at the rise in confidence and standing of Chinese people and Chinese business people across the globe.
Why can't the next super companies be Black owned - in tech; in construction; professional firms; in financial services; manufacturers etc?
We can help, through connecting members in our network, regular business education and collaboration to build 1,000s of micro business (ave less than £290,000) to small businesses (upto £700,000); then 100s of small business to medium business (ave of £700,000+) and then more £1million+ Black owned enterprises!
Together, we can help to provide the core wealth to build our nations, the millions of jobs our communities need and provide the much needed tax revenue to build infrastructure and much more.
The 1st stage of this vision to build an initial network of members. We need the numbers to leverage the opportunities. Our first goal is to reach 100 founder members. Stage 2 will include a membership platform; and stage 3 will include the start of local Black Business Clubs.
As we grow, we will build a membership platform so you can better connect with members; to refer business; advertise your business; download business tools; access business development videos etc. We need your help to grow our membership base so we all have more people to do business with.
We strive to stay in communication with everyone who contacts us. Send us a message, or give us a call. We're always happy to respond to your enquiries!